
Dembour Nicolas


Bélgica Liege

Brief empresa:
IOPOOL is a technology-driven pool predictive maintenance company. We offer a collection of pool and spa related innovative maintenance solutions for pools of any size. The floating probe we have developed– applicable to private and residential pools – collects in real-time key data regarding the pool health. These data are retrieved via the user’s mobile app, and then relayed in the cloud with a set of rules and our specific AI algorithm that automatically calculates and predicts the quantity of products needed for an optimum pool maintenance.
Piscina residencial
Actividad (producto/servicio):

Área de usuario

Info práctica
Fechas 15 - 18 octubre de 2019

Área Professional Meetings, Piscina&Wellness Barcelona (Innovation Zone Hall 2)

+ Info práctica


15, 16 y 17 de octubre de 10,30h a 19h

18 de octubre de 10,30h a 16h