
Sr. Carlos Escribano Ajenjo

CEO & Founder

Booost Academy





I currently lead the level 2 padel course for the Spanish Padel Federation and the coaches area of Padelcyl. I founded Booost Academy, an ambitious project to train coaches outside Spain. Our project is Endorsed and Certified by the Spanish Padel Federation (FEP). Another of the strengths is the digitalization of padel teaching, with videos for students who subscribe to the method and for coaches who use it. We have signed an agreement with the Catalan Padel Federation to develop levels 2 and 3 there for the next 4 years. I have already passed all the courses of the Specific Block of the Lvl 3


Booost Academy | Supreme Padel Education



16:15 - 16:45


Speakers' Corner


The vital role of padel coaches: meeting global demand



11:10 - 11:50


Room 1